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親愛的顧客們,本店將於 12 月 1 號(星期二)至 12 月 6 號(星期日)期間放假,屆時本店將暫停營業。訂購服務照常運作,發貨以及自提服務將於 12 月 7 號(星期一)恢復,不便之處,敬請原諒。 Macau Console 預祝各位聖誕節快樂! Dear customers, we will be closed from 1/12 to 6/12 for the Christmas Holiday. All orders placed during this period will be processed after 7/12. Sorry for the inconvenience. Wish you Merry Christmas!
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Translation missing: zh.blogs.article.author_on_date_html

親愛的顧客們,因應新一輪新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情,本店將於 6 月 24 號 至 7 月 17 號期間暫停營業。訂購服務照常運作,視乎疫情,發貨以及自提服務暫定於 7 月 18 號恢復,不便之處,敬請原諒。 Dear customers, due to the continued development of the novel coronavirus epidemic, we will be temporary closed from Jun 24 to Jul 17. All orders placed during this period will be processed after Jul 18. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Translation missing: zh.blogs.article.author_on_date_html

親愛的顧客們,本店將於 2 月 1 號 至 2 月 6 號(年初六)期間放假,屆時本店將暫停營業。訂購服務照常運作,發貨以及自提服務將於 2 月 7 號(年初七)恢復,不便之處,敬請原諒。 Macau Console 祝各位新年快樂,身體健康,恭喜發財! Dear customers, we will be closed from Feb 1 to Feb 6 for the Chinese New Year Holiday. All orders placed during this period will be processed after Feb 7. Sorry for the inconvenience. Wish you Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Hei Fat Choy!
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2021 聖誕節放假公告
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親愛的顧客們,本店將於 12 月 20 號(星期一)至 12 月 26 號(星期日)期間放假,屆時本店將暫停營業。訂購服務照常運作,發貨以及自提服務將於 12 月 27 號(星期一)恢復,不便之處,敬請原諒。 Macau Console 祝各位聖誕節快樂! Dear customers, we will be closed from December 20 to December 26 for the Christmas Holiday. All orders placed during this period will be processed after December 27. Sorry for the inconvenience. Wish you Merry Christmas!
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智能電話『無限 Mon 貼』計劃
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凡在 Macua Console 購買 OnePlus 或 Pixel 3 的顧客,若 Mon 貼有任何損壞,我們將會免費贈送一張新的 Mon 貼。 我們和每位顧客一樣愛錫你的電話 :) Customers who have purchased the OnePlus phone or Pixel 3 from our store will get a free placement for the damaged screen protector.We care about your phone as much as you do :)